Departmental Scholarships

Interested in applying for a CEE Departmental Scholarship? If so, please review the scholarship criteria below. Then, if you feel you qualify, please note that in order to be considered for scholarships, you must update or complete your scholarship application on your MyState page by March 1st. In addition to the general university application, you must also complete the Bagley College of Engineering conditional application. 

As a currently enrolled student you do NOT need to submit an essay but you MUST enter “N/A” as a response for each prompt in order to submit your application. If you submitted an essay, there is no need to delete it; you will not be penalized if you have one. The conditional application is used for ALL engineering majors and awards.  The Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering will make award decisions based on this application. As a current student you must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA to apply. If you do not meet this qualification the application will not be visible to you.

More details on the application process can be found here:

To be considered for a CE scholarship, applicants must be a full time student enrolled in Civil Engineering (CE). Applicants must have completed at least one semester at Mississippi State University with preference given to those having been enrolled in CE during the fall semester prior to filling out an application. It is an University requirement that a student be full time during the semester in which they intend to apply the scholarship (i.e., apply for scholarship, awarded scholarship for fall semester, must be full time student in fall to receive scholarship).