STARKVILLE, Miss. – A Bagley College of Engineering faculty member has been appointed to a national task force for emergency preparedness. Li Zhang, an associate professor in civil engineering, will serve a nearly three-year term on the task force for emergency evacuations of the Transportation Research Board, a division of the National Research Council. The…
The STRIDE Regional Center Poster Competition hosted by the University of Florida was at the 92nd Annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) Conference. The theme of the competition was improving transportation sustainability. Jay Shannon presented his poster titled “Improving Transportation System Sustainability Using Portland-Limestone Cement”. The competition included 30 graduate students from schools in the southeast. Each…
Joey Windham (B.S. ’03, M.S. ’10-CE) was selected as chief of the modeling branch of the Modeling, Mapping and Consequences Production Center of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’ Vicksburg District. He will serve as senior techical reviewer for all hydrologic and hydraulic engineering products produced by the unit. He has been with the district…
Congratulations to Rene Camacho, a PhD Student in CEE on being selected, following a committee vote, for full membership in American Society of Civil Engineers/Environmental and Water Resources Institute’s Task Committee on Total Maximum Daily Load, analysis and modeling. He was also selected for membership in a technical subcommittee. This is the first time that…
Ernest H. Randall, Jr., P.E. Presdient and CEO of Randall and Associates, an Engineering and Real Estate Consulting Firm, was honored by the Preston Trail Chapter of TSPE at a Luncheon in September 2012. The Award was presented for Randall’s longtime leadership and contributions to the professional Engineering Society and his outstanding Civic activities. He…
Congratulations to Katye Lauren Miller of CEE being selected for the Jim Henry Swain Endowed Scholarship from several applicants.
Gwinnett County Department of Water Recourses contracted with CH2M HILL and two other engineering firms to do construction management for a $250,000,000 upgrade to one of their treatment plants. Jeff Maxcy of CH2M Hill and 2 other engineering firms receive a National Award from Construction Management Association of America in the category of “Infrastructure Project…
STARKVILLE, Miss. – William H. McAnally will officially take the helm of the Mississippi Water Resources Association during a meeting in Biloxi, Miss. The associate director of Mississippi State University’s Geosystems Research Institute and fellow of the Northern Gulf Institute will be sworn in Nov. 9, the final day of the organization’s annual conference.
STARKVILLE, Miss. – The head of civil and environmental engineering in the Bagley College of Engineering now sits on the executive boards of two engineering organizations. Dennis D. Truax was installed as assistant treasurer of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) at an October meeting. He became secretary of the Mississippi Board of Licensure…
Three CEE undergraduate students (Georgene Elizabeth Grant, Rae Ann Otts and Rachel Jacobs) presented their research posters on “Ultrasonic Assisted Waste Cooking Oil Conversion Into Biodiesel” and “Evaluation of Design Alternatives for Innovative Commercial Catfish Ponds” at the Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium 2012 hosted by the Shackouls Honors College in collaboration with NSF-funded undergraduate research…