The 16th UESI / BAMI-I Utility Investigation School

Date: March 13-17, 2023
Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Daily Location: Mississippi State University, Starkville Campus (MSU)


The Buried Asset Management Institute – International (BAMI-I) & the Mississippi State University (MSU) in conjunction with the ASCE’S Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) have teamed to conduct the 16th ASCE UESI / BAMI-I UIS School in 2023. This short course will give practitioners the knowledge and tools to provide competent utility investigations in accordance with accepted national standards (ASCE 38-22) and to defend against claims through this knowledge and its documentation. In addition to the classroom lectures, practical sessions will be held where participants will be offered hands- on experience with the GPR, PCL, and etc. This 5-day school will be taught by the foremost experts in the geophysics and subsurface utility engineering field.

This 5-day school has been designed for

  • Engineers and surveyors and project managers providing deliverables that include results and depictions of utility investigations.
  • Consulting engineers, Employees of utility companies, state DOTs and local highway agencies, regulatory agencies, local governments, etc.
  • Design engineers for infrastructure projects with significant expected utility congestion.

Registration Fee



Additional $100 each discount for 3 or more attendees from same company.

At the end of this short course, upon successful completion, students will receive 4 CEUs /40 PDHs and a Certificate of Completion.

Printable Flyer

For more information, contact:

For registration or having additional questions, please email

Saleh Behbahani,, or
Leonard Ingram,, (334) 872-1012

Course Director

Tom Iseley, Ph.D., P.E., Dist. M. ASCE, PWAM
Professor of Engineering Practice
Beavers Heavy Construction Distinguished Fellow
Purdue University
Phone: (404) 386-5667

Course Developer

Jim Anspach, PG(r), Dist. M. ASCE
ASCE/UESI President 2018
Member-EJCDC, TRB Utility Committee
Chair ASCE -38
A.A. Prof. of Utility Engineering
IOWA State University
Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
J.H. Anspach Consulting