Undergraduate Education

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers a B.S. in civil engineering. Students also have the option of a concentration in environmental engineering.

The efforts of civil and environmental engineers help to define the quality of life around the world through both public and private enterprises. The work of civil and environmental engineers interacts with many aspects of society, including water resources, environmental sanitation, intermodal transportation, structures and many other parts of the infrastructure of modern life. These projects help promote public safety, foster economic and community development and raise the standard of living for populations across the globe.

A career in civil and environmental engineering can often offer both personal and professional fulfillment and opportunities for public stewardship.


Within the undergraduate program, students can specialize in several areas.

For more information:
Dr. Ben S. Magbanua, Jr., P.E.
Academic Coordinator
2061 Rula Complex

Dr. Seamus Freyne, P.E., M.ASCE
Academic Co-coordinator
3042 Rula Complex